AIP Advances (May 2023)
Collisional dynamics of two-dimensional vortex quantum droplets
A quantum droplet is a self-bound state balanced by the mean-field interaction and Lee–Huang–Yang correction in a Bose–Bose mixture. In this paper, we study the collisional dynamics of two-dimensional quantum droplets with a vortex. By adjusting the initial momentum, the initial phase difference, the topological charge of the quantum droplets, and the total number of particles, we identify three dynamic mechanisms of collisions, namely, splitting, no-splitting, and their crossover according to the states after collision, which are significantly different from the merging, separation, and evaporation of the collisional dynamics of vortex-free droplets. The initial phase difference of the two droplets changes the interference fringes and the manner of splitting of the droplets. We also show that the three-body loss of atoms does not affect the result.