Safety & Fire Technology (Jul 2024)
Reflections on Lithium-Ion Cells. Genesis of the Problem and Theoretical Introduction
Aim: This article presents an identification and analysis of the hazards associated with the operation of lithium-ion technology, the range of applications, an overview of hazardous incidents domestically and also internationally, the brief history of lithium-ion batteries, as well as recommendations on the use and storage of batteries published not only by domestic but also foreign fire and occupational safety organizations. Introduction: The increased mobility of people doing their work with computers has created the need to produce portable devices that require concentrating as much energy as possible in a limited enclosure volume. These devices accompany the user in everyday life, during travel and also in a variety of work. In order to meet these criteria, it was necessary to solve these problems, first of all, the problem of power supply, which would allow to use the electricity stored by them in a long-lasting but also very efficient way. However, modern solutions bring a number of new risks that are not obvious at first glance and require detailed analysis. Project and methods: Based on a critical analysis of the literature, the authors presented the advantages and disadvantages of cells used in smartphones, laptops, portable power tools used in households across the globe and even electric cars. The development of lithium-ion battery technology and the expansion of their range of applications makes it necessary to develop solutions to enhance safety during their use, together with procedures to prevent possible explosions and fires, allowing effective life and health protection of users, as well as safeguarding all property and the environment. Methodology: Opierając się na krytycznej analizie literatury, autorzy przedstawili zalety i wady ogniw wykorzystywanych w smartfonach, laptopach, przenośnych elektronarzędziach, a nawet samochodach elektrycznych. Rozwój technologii produkcji akumulatorów litowo-jonowych oraz rozszerzenie zakresu ich zastosowania sprawia, że konieczne jest opracowanie rozwiązań zwiększających bezpieczeństwo podczas ich użytkowania oraz procedur zapobiegania ewentualnym wybuchom i pożarom, pozwalających na skuteczną ochronę życia oraz zdrowia użytkowników, a także zabezpieczenie wszelkiego mienia i środowiska. Conclusions: In order to prevent fires spreading, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that lead to ignition and possible explosions of cells and batteries. From the point of view of preventing such failures and fires, it is important to recognize the response of burning batteries to various types of fire extinguishing agents and preventive measures. Continued research in this area can contribute to the evolution of more sophisticated and advanced safety technologies and the development of regulatory standards that in the future will guarantee the effective control of lithium-ion battery fires directly linked to their storage, use at high quantities, and the correct storage of waste (in the form of damaged and depleted batteries). Keywords: lithium-ion batteries, fire hazard, environmental protection, environmental pollution, toxic products of combustion