Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia (Dec 2022)
How do Body Practices Affect the Psychological Aspects of Survivors Women Undergoing Treatment for Breast Cancer? Systematic Literature Review
Introduction: Body practices can bring physical, psychological benefits and social rehabilitation and may be an alternative treatment for breast cancer. Objective: To analyze the evidence of the results of body practices over the psychological aspects of survivors women undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Method: Systematic blind and independent review from September to December 2021 following the PRISMA guidelines, carried out in the databases: Embase Elsevier; PubMed Central; ScienceDirect; Scopus Elsevier and Web of Science – Core Collection. Results: Of 1,372 studies identified, 22 were included in this systematic review. Among the practices that stood out are meditation and Yoga, with anxiety being the most investigated variable by the studies. It is clear that body practices are options for non-pharmacological clinical treatments utilized in clinical practice by different health professionals in women who have survived breast cancer. Conclusion: Body practices proved to be beneficial in the treatment and psychological health of women who survived breast cancer. This evidence may help to implement body practices as a therapeutic resource to be used in the clinical practice of health professionals. However, more randomized clinical trials that follow study protocols more rigorously are suggested, so that the effectiveness of this approach can be evaluated in different clinical outcomes.