Masker Medika (Nov 2019)
Latar belakang : Penyakit gout artritis merupakan metabolisme abnormal purin yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar asam urat darah, di masyarakat sering disebut dengan asam urat penanganan alternatif non farmakologi terapi komplementer yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi kadar asam urat dalam darah pada penderita gout artritis adalah dengan pranic healing yaitu teknik terapi pengobatan memanfaatkan energi natural yang berada di alam semesta dengan mengunakan terapi sentuhan tangan terapis. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh terapi komplementer pranic healing terhadap penurunan kadar uric acid penderita gout artritis di Puskesmas Taman Bacaan Palembang. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasi experimental dengan pendekatan randomized pretest-post test whit control group design. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive samping. Sampel penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang berobat dan menderita penyakit gout artritis di Puskesmas Taman Bacaan Palembang pada bulan Maret- Mei 2018 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 40 responden. Terapi komplementer pranic healing dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga kali dalam tiga bulan yaitu pada minggu kedua. Pengukuran kadar uric acid dilakukan 2 kali (sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan) dengan mengukur secara kuantitatif kadar uric acid darah sewaktu dalam satuan mg/dl di Laboratorium Puskesmas Taman Bacaan Palembang. Hasil Penelitian diketahui terdapat perbedaan nilai rerata kadar uric acid sebelum dan setelah terapi komplementer pranic healing yaitu kadar uric acid 3.98 mg/dl dengan p value. 0,00 dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan bahwa terapi komplementer pranic healing terhadap kadar uric acid pada penderita goat artritis. Kesimpulan Terapi komplementer pranic healing mampu menurunkan secara signifikan kadar asam urat pada penderita goat artritis, diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif terapi non farmakologi yang tidak memiliki efek samping untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah dari penerita gout artritis di masyarakat Background: Gout arthritis is an abnormal metabolism of purines which is characterized by increased blood uric acid levels, in the community it is often referred to as gout. Complementary non-pharmacological treatment of complementary therapies that can be used to reduce uric acid levels in blood in patients with gout arthritis is by pranic healing namely therapeutic treatment techniques utilizing natural energy in the universe by using therapist's touch therapy. The purpose of this study was to find out how the effect of complementary pranic healing therapy on decreasing uric acid levels in patients with gout arthritis at the Palembang Reading Gardens Health Center. This research method uses a quasi-experimental design with a randomized pretest-post test whit control group design approach. The sampling technique used was purposive side. The sample of this study were people who were treated and suffering from gout arthritis at the Taman Bacaan Public Health Center Palembang in March-May 2018 that met the inclusion criteria. With a total sample of 40 respondents. Complementary healing therapy is carried out three times in three months, namely in the second week. Measurements of uric acid levels were done twice (before and after treatment) by quantitatively measuring blood uric acid levels in mg / dl at the Laboratory Public Health Center Palembang. The results of the study revealed that there were differences in the mean value of uric acid levels before and after complementary pranic healing therapy, namely uric acid 3.98 mg / dl with p value. 0.00 It can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between complementary pranic healing therapy to uric acid levels in patients with goat arthritis. Conclusion Complementary pranic healing therapy is able to significantly reduce uric acid levels in patients with goat arthritis, is expected to be an alternative non-pharmacological therapy that has no side effects to reduce uric acid levels in the blood from the sufferer of gout arthritis in the community.