Ciência Rural (Dec 1996)
Influencia do período de coleta sobre o volume, motilidade e doses de sêmen em suínos Influence of the collection period on volume, motility and semen doses in swine
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar ainfluência do ano e mês de coleta sobre o volume (VOL), motilidade (MOT) e doses de sêmen produzidas (DO), as correlações existentes entre as variáveis e as suas repetibilidades. Foram analisadas amostras de sêmen de 96 machos pertencentes as raças Landrace (41), Large White (31) e Duroc (24), durante o período (1981 a 1987) de permanência dos mesmos na Central de Inseminação Artificial de Suínos de Estrela - RS. O número de amostras dês sêmen coletadas foi de 7.264 da raça Landrace, 3.589 da raça Large White e 3.051 da raça Duroc. Os resultados mostraram haver influência (PThe aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of the collection period on volume (VOL), motility (MOT) and semen doses (DO), and the correlation among the six variables and their repeatibilities. Semen samples from ninety (96) boars belonging to Landrace (41), Large White (31) and Duroc (24) breeds were analyzed, taken into account the permanence period (1981 to 1987) of the boars at the Artificial Insemination Center -Estrela - RS. The number of semen samples collected were: Landrace 7,264, Large White 3,589 and Duroc, 3,051. Year and month of collection had influence (P<0.01) on the variables analyzed. Minimum and maximum average values, within each breed, were VOL 236.9 and 300.4ml (Landrace), 238.1 and 284.1ml (Large White) and 150.0 and 201.1ml (Duroc): MOT 79.2 and 80.3% (Landrace), 76.7 and 78.0% (Large White) and 77.8 and 79.1% (Duroc); DO 12.0 and 14.7 (Landrace), 10.1 and 13.0 (Large White) and 9.1 and 11.9 (Duroc), respectively. Correlations between VOL and DO were 0.30 (Landrace), 0.36 (Large White) and 0.36 (Duroc). Correlations between VOL and MOT were close to zero (Landrace -0.05, Large White 0.03 and Duroc 0.01), and between MOT and DO were 0.08 (Landrace), 0.15 (Large White) and 0.13 (Duroc). Repeatibilities were VOL 0.49 (Landrace), 0.59 (Large White) and 0.54 (Duroc); MOT 0.18 (Landrace), 0.27 (Large White) and 0.21 (Duroc), and DO 0.30 (Landrace), 0.27 (Large White) and 0.39 (Duroc).