Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (Dec 2019)
The qualitative dimension of Nursing workload: a measurement proposal
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Objective: construct and test a proposal to measure the qualitative dimension of nursing workload; identify the workload cut-off point and its indicator as predictors of the good and optimal nursing care product score. Method: this is a descriptive study conducted in four inpatient units and four intensive care units of a Brazilian teaching hospital, considering 308 evaluations performed by 19 nurses. Four measurement instruments were used: three to assess the care demand in relation to nursing and the other to classify the care product delivered at the end of the shift. The workload was calculated and its indicator was constructed. Results: a weak and inverse correlation was found between the care product score, workload and the workload indicator and the workload indicator in the units and moderate and inverse between Nursing care planning and Care needs assistance with the number of hospitalized patients. Conclusion: it is possible to associate workload and its indicator with the care product. Nursing workload ≤ 173 hours (24 hours) and indicator ≤ 12.3 hours / professional were associated with a higher probability of obtaining a “good” and “optimal” score in the care product in the inpatient units.