Cybergeo (May 2002)
Contexte théorique de la notion de discontinuité géographique
Likeness and proximity are studied in the particular context of geographical discontinuity, in both clustered (bounded) and continuous spaces. First, likeness and proximity are linked: likeness could be spatial and/or social; moreover, social structures influence proximities, and, conversely, proximity influences not only structures, but flows as well. Two options are available when measuring likeness of places at close range. One is couple-of-places-analysis; other is a particular smoothing method. This method allows the computing of a "heterogeneity vector" / "directed heterogeneity index", useful when mapping discontinuities. Despite existing varieties of geographical discontinuities which are more or less sensitive to time and spatial scale change, morphology of discontinuities is an important matter: form of the discontinuity influences the development of the circumscribed system.