Results in Physics (Jan 2024)
First results of high density H-mode operation in metal-wall EAST tokamak
In metal-wall EAST superconducting tokamak, H-mode operation with plasma density close to the Greenwald density limit nGW has been achieved with radio frequency and NBI heating for the first time. Both gas puffing from horizontal plane and HFS pellet fueling were used for density ramp-up during the experiment. The confinement of H-mode gradually deteriorates with plasma density increasing. And the H-L transition can be observed after heating power dropping or pellet injection. In the density range of (0.6–1)×nGW, the divertor detachment occurs and causes an obvious confinement degradation. The maximum accessible density ne, max in H-mode phase deviates from the Greenwald scaling. It has been observed that the fraction ne, max/nGW is almost independent of the total heating power, but a high heating power is helpful to extend the duration of high density H-mode. And ne,max/nGW has an increase relation with the safety factor q95 varied by changing plasma current. Besides, it is also found that the discharges with low plasma current have a higher ne, max/nGW than those with high plasma current. All these findings will provide a good reference to the high density plasma operation for future metal-wall fusion devices.