E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)

Optimization of the plate drying process by electromagnetic radiation using the Green function method

  • Afanas’ev Anatoliy,
  • Bakhracheva Yulia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 279
p. 02006


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An initial boundary value problem is formulated for calculating the heat-mass-energy fields in a homogeneous wet plate. To solve this problem, an original algorithm containing elements of analytical and numerical methods has been developed. In this method, solutions are written using the spatially one-dimensional Green function of the Neumann problem, which contains eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem. In comparison with the known numerical algorithms, the problems of the theory of electromagnetic drying for which its application can be effective are indicated. It is shown that the discrete supply of microwave energy significantly reduces the gradients of temperature, steam and moisture content, while reducing energy consumption by 11...12 %. The probability of an undesirable spontaneous temperature increase at the end of the drying cycle is significantly reduced, and the electrical and thermal conditions of the microwave energy source are improved.