Escola Anna Nery (Dec 2017)

Notions and conceptions of parenting and family

  • José Francisco Martínez Licona,
  • Gabriela Irene Rodríguez Gámez,
  • Aracely Díaz Oviedo,
  • María Antonia Reyes Arellano

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 1


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Abstract Objective: To show the main conceptions of the parents about the family, in a city of the northeastern of the Mexican Republic. Methods: Study with dominant mixed approach, where the qualitative has a higher prevalence, carried out from the mediational perspective of Psychology, with 1000 parents of the city of San Luis Potosí. The data were coded and grouped by similarity, which gave rise to thematic categories. Results: There were found different axes of rationality with that parents conceive the family, the social function of it, problems being experienced and easy or difficult aspects of parenting, which were related to the biographic data of the groups of families. Conclusions: There is no homogeneous conception about what should be a family, likewise there were found differences between the thought of young families and the thought of families in the middle and late adulthood.
