Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (Feb 2014)

Coronary angiography and percutaneus coronary intervention in the elderly

  • Ronald Aroche Aportela,
  • Ariel Ramírez García,
  • Ángel Gaspar Obregón Santos,
  • Myder Hernández Nava,
  • Lazaro Aldama Pérez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 3-4
pp. 133 – 141


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Objetive: Determine the effectiveness and short term security of the coronary angiography and percutaneos coronary intervention in the elderly. Method: Descriptive retrospective Study with the 5715 patients to whom coronary angiography was made in the CIMEQ, between 1998 and 2009, taking itself as it shows the 1933 greater ones of 60 years. The information obtained from the data base ANGYCOR, considering the characteristics clinicalangiograficas and of the procedure, inhospital complications and success procedures, respecting the ethics of the investigations. Results: The most frequent diagnosis was the stable angina (43.5%). The age average of 65.99 ? 5.06 years, the group of 60 to 69 years was the most frequent, like the masculine sex (77.2%) and the arterial hypertension (64.9%). The 7.8% of the patients had a previous revascularizacion. In the 28.6% of him the coronary intervention was made, in 66.7% on a single coronary artery. The treatment of multiarterial disease increased in the octogenarians (48%). The anterior descending artery was the most frequently approached (51%). The 71.0% of the lesion were complex. In the 81.5% of the treated arteries at least one stent was implanted. In 98.0% the procedure was successful, more than half of the failures it was by guide nonpassage. Were reported serious complications only in the 1.4%, including two died (0.4%), both related to diagnosis of the acute coronary syndrome. Conclusions: The index of complications and mortality in coronary angiography and percutaneus coronary intervention of the elderly are low, with high percentage of success, reason why they seem effective and safe procedures. Key words: Coronary angiography, percutaneus coronary intervention, elderly.
