Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Apr 2006)
Experience of breast cancer diagnosis and radical mastectomy: a phenomenological study
This qualitative study, based on the phenomenological method, and that had as object the perception of the body by mastectomized woman. It aimed to comprehend the surgical impact on the perception of the own body and in the relationship of this with other people. It was accomplished in two institutions of Salvador that assist people in oncologycal therapy. The phenomenological interview was applied to five women, between 35 to 66 years, and that underwent to radical mastectomy. There were innmerables the difficulties caused by cancer, as well the one from surgical therapy, indicating a strong feeling of the lost of femininity, that brought physicals, emotionals and socials repercussions. The existence of the mastectomy was evidenced as a complex experience that extended along the time, leading mastectomized woman to changes in the ways of life. The health professionals must reflect about their assistencial practices in order to value the feelings expressed by woman, propitiating her a care in a understanding manner. Keywords: breast neoplasms, mastectomy, corporal image.