Educação: Teoria e Prática (Aug 2012)

Ensino de física moderna e contemporânea: análise de uma disciplina para ingressantes na educação superior

  • Marcelo Zanotello,
  • Maria Beatriz Fagundes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 40
pp. 145 – 165


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The contents of introductory physics in University courses in the fields of natural sciences and technology follow essentially the same organization present in collections of traditional textbooks. The modern physics (MP) is generally allocated in the last volume these collections and does not belong to contents intended for first year students. This work presents a reflection on the teaching of MP in context of classes of Structure of Matter, a compulsory course for students of first period in a Brazilian Federal University. The analysis of data indicates that students and teachers share the opinion that learning MP does not require previous study of classical physics and advanced calculus, but requires a new approach concerning on use of mathematical and physical concepts. The considerations about the teaching and learning of MP in university courses and your good reception by first year students allow new possibilities also in questions concerning the teaching of MP in basic education.
