RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries (Dec 2016)
The yield of spring barley in the brown soils of the Nizhnee Povolzh'e region
The results of small (20-22 cm) and relatively deep main processing of the soil (27-30 cm) and variable rate application depth of arable horizon of doses of mineral nutrition (N and P2O5) on yield of spring barley. It is established that ploughing soil up to 30 cm (pillars of Cibima) with in-corporation at the same depth easy phosphorus-rhenium increases the biological activity of the soil microflora involved in the proposal of cellulose substrates is a means of increasing the fertility of light chestnut soil, which is especially important for rainfed conditions. The average crop capacity in the shallow plowing is 2 t/ha and was lower at 15% compared to Varian, where he held a deep subsurface tillage. By years of research sum-total biological activity in the deep subsurface treat-ment amounted to 930 mg of amino acids per gram of leaf, which is higher by 26% the variant with shallow plowing. Compared to shallow ploughing (option 1) at subsurface relatively deep processing of crude soil (option 2) there is greater accumulation of productive moisture in a meter layer. In the period of tillering of plants at average moisture reserves in option 2 is higher by 16% than in option 1 and constitute a 147 mm. In phase trubavina-earing and full maturity of the spring-barley the difference between the productive moisture content increases to between 20 and 33% in the direction of no-till deep processing. Relatively high soil moisture (a consequence of the method of tillage) contributed to a more rapid transition of phosphates in the horizon of 25-30 cm and nitrate in the layer 10-15 cm in available forms of nutrients for soil microorganisms. It is revealed that the application rate of nitrogen and phosphorus should be linked with the main processing of the soil, and the peculiarities of development of the root system of cultivated crops.