Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (Feb 2013)
Indicadores en adolescentes con ingresos de recién nacidos en cuidados especiales neonatales Indicators of adolescent mothers having newborn infants admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Introducción: el embarazo en adolescentes constituye un indicador negativo de salud ocasionando serias consecuencias materno- infantiles. Objetivo: evaluar indicadores materno-perinatales y neonatales en adolescentes atendidos en el Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" durante el 2010. Métodos: se realizó una investigación aplicada, observacional, analítica, retrospectiva tipo caso-control, cuyo universo englobó 5363 nacimientos vivos en el período, asignándose como casos(n=59): aquellos neonatos que ingresaron en cuidados especiales neonatales (CEN) hijos de madres adolescentes (Introduction: pregnancy in adolescence constitutes a negative health indicator that provokes serious maternal-child consequences. Objective: to evaluate maternal-perinatal and neonatal indicators in adolescent mothers admitted at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University General Hospital during 2010. Material and method: an applied, observational, analytical, retrospective, case-control type study which target group comprised 5363 live-born babies during the period, assigning as cases (n=59): newborn infants who were admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), newborn infants of adolescent mothers ( Results: the majority of the adolescents whose newborn infants were admitted to NICU were primigravida (69.49%) (OR=5.63; CI 95%: 2.7-11.8); 45, 6% suffered from some affection (OR=2.27; CI 95%: 1.12-4.59), prevailing Premature Rupture of Membranes (18.64%) and pregnancy-induced hypertension (11.86%), 49,15% of newborn infants were premature (OR=3.11; CI 95 %: 1.53-6.38), 52.54% were low-birth-weight infants (OR=3.4; CI 95%: 1.67-3.95) and 59,32% got the Apgar score of Conclusions: adolescence had a negative influence on perinatal and neonatal indicators increasing the risks of diseases associated with pregnancy: prematurity, low-weight and depression at birth.