E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
Developer status assessment based on its aggregate capacity estimation
Investment and construction activity development entailed not only the improvement of existing systems and approaches to the assessment of the state of participants of this process, but also the emergence of new areas of analysis based on a comprehensive space-oriented structure of both the project itself and its environment. The methods of the complex estimation of the investment and construction project condition which takes into account not only the design risk and the stage of the project realisation but also the financial and economic condition of the participants of the investment and construction activity, first of all the developer. The estimation of financial and economic conditions of the developer is suggested to be carried out on the ground of aggregate potential that characterises the possibilities to achieve the objectives set before the enterprise and solve the current problems taking into account resource constraints and factors of the internal and external environment. Consideration of the aggregate potential of the enterprise as a complex multilevel system that covers all subsystems and organisational and technological processes, allows developing a comprehensive and objective assessment of the financial and economic condition of the developer that allows identifying reserves to further improve the efficiency of its activities.