Journal of Mosaic Research (Nov 2020)
The Mosaic Inscriptions of the Cibyran Odeion
The aim of this article is to introduce three mosaic inscriptions and an inscription fragment of a pedestal, unearthed during the excavations carried out in the stoa in front of the Olmpeion odeion between 2011 and 2014 in Cibyra. As it is understood from the inscriptions, the mosaic floor, approx. 550 m2, in front of the monumental entrance of the odeion in a north-south direction was decorated in mosaic flooring by Aurelius Sopatrus and Claudius Theodorus, sons of Epancrates from one of the leading families of the city. It was carried out chronologically between 249-254 AD (according to the Cibyran era, 226-231). The first inscription includes the philanthropists promise to adorn the floor with mosaic in front of the odeion (249 AD); The second is to start the mosaic flooring in the same year. The last is to fulfill the promise completing the mosaic floor in front of the odeion (254 AD). Through the inscriptions, it is understood that the Cibyran odeion was called “Olympeion”. Other than this, new persons relating to the provincial priesthood of Asia are documented. Finally, a fragment of an honorary inscription is introduced which is thought to have been used for typogenic material dating to 243/252 AD.