Paedagogia Christiana (Jun 2009)
Wychowanie chrześcijańskie w świetle literatury i dokumentów Kościoła u progu trzeciego tysiąclecia – perspektywy rozwojowe
Nowadays the role of Christian pedagogy in the formation of the man’s identity as an individual in the community of social life is not the subject of wider discussions. It seems to be indispensable not only in regard of the tradition and the past, but mostly in regard of the present and the future. The man it in day of informative technology, active civilization changes, which are always followed by the necessity of solving the problems of existential nature, needs constant and solid references and permanent values which will enable his full personal development. Just there, Christian conception of education, in centre of which stand man as a person (conscious and free subject) together with his integral development, can play the main role. In the light of the above, the intention of this article is to show the chances possibilities of Christian education against a background of literature and the documents of the Church at the threshold third millennium. However, the main aim of it is to answer the question why it is worth and even necessary to draw an inspiration in the Christian education.