Studii si Cercetari de Istoria Artei : Teatru, Muzică, Cinematografie (Dec 2017)

Manuscrise muzicale din biblioteca schitului românesc Prodromu

  • Clement Haralam

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10-11 (54-55)
pp. 67 – 83


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The article “Musical manuscripts from the library of the Romanian Hermitage Prodromu” is the result of my research in the said library and an archive of old books inside the hermitage, carried out between December 2008 – December 2010. This work of catalogguing wants to highlight ten musical manuscripts that were not mentioned by the researchers S. Barbu-Bucur and V. Vasile, who developed and published each a catalog of musical manuscripts of the library hermitage. Thus, ten manuscripts are cataloged, that were completed, restored and covered or re-covered. Also, 20 small dimension manuscripts were cataloggued, that initially were co-bound within printed books and literary manuscripts. I also cataloggued six notebooks of monk Varahiil Taşcă, with no artistic significance, as I distinguished the musical preoccupation of the author; the catalog continues with a series of 12 fascicles and five leaflets, which could be part of future musical volumes, but unknown is the reason why they remained at this incipient stage. I also cataloged 15 fascicles (nos 45–58), containing complete chants, resulted from destroyed manuscripts. At the end of the small catalog, four very recent manuscripts (nos 59–61) are brought to attention, with little artistic value, but showing the musical concern of the Prodromos monks after a flourishing period of high intensity in the field of church music.
