Pallas (Aug 2019)
La place du bois dans l’architecture à Augustonemetum/Clermont-Ferrand : les sites de la rue Fontgiève et de la Scène nationale (ier-iiie s. apr. J.-C.)
Two recent preventive excavations carried out in the centre of Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme) allowed to study the evolution of districts located in the outskirts of Augustonemetum, during the Early Roman Empire. The humidity of the ground ensured the conservation of many timbers and allows to understand the place of this material in the urban architecture of the chief town of Arverni’s territory. The diversity of observed spaces and the variety of contexts (hostel, domus, craft workshops, place of worship) offer a first approach of the construction techniques, on the one hand thanks to the analysis of the various types of assemblages employed and of architectural devices, and, on the other hand, through the study of the strategies of supply and of management of wooden resources.