Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Nov 2015)
Supernumerary teeth at primary and permanent dentition
Development disturbance originate in the odonthogenesis and begin around the 40TH week. It might occur on both dentitions, being scarcer in the primary one. Several hypotheses are mentioned for etiology of the supernumerary teeth and, among them, that one about hyperactivity of the Dental Blade, what would cause increment in the quantity of dental elements. There are correlations among the alteration in the quantity of teeth and systemic diseases, several syndromes as: Cleidocranian Displasia, Gardner Syndrome and Labial and Palatal Fissures. The clinical case of a male patient, 8 years old, leukoderm, which upper deciduous central incisors never exfoliated. The clinical examination demonstrated the presence of two erupted deciduous supernumerary elements between the elements 52 and 53. The radiographic tests (orthopantomography and per apical R-X of the incisors region) indicated the presence of further two impacted permanent supernumerary elements in the pre-maxilla region. The treatment plan selected was therapy for space maintenance in the arch with surgical removal of the supernumerary elements and orthodontic motion. Multidisciplinary approach provided adequate diagnosis and treatment to the patient.