Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія (Apr 2024)
Numerical determination method of dynamic characteristics for composite propeller blade
The subject matter of this article is the dynamic characteristics of a composite propeller blade. Determination of the modes and frequencies of natural vibrations is necessary to predict the dangerous resonance modes of aircraft engines and to identify the most stressed local zones of the blade surface. The goal of this study is to develop a verified method for determining the dynamic characteristics of composite rotor parts of aircraft engines based on the known properties of the structural components of the composite material. A general mathematical statement of the problem of elasticity theory for the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of composite structures is described. A complete system of equations that describes the mechanical state of the body within the framework of the continuum mechanics approach was developed. Geometric modeling of the propeller blades was performed. Modeling and numerical investigation of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the propeller blade were performed using the finite element method using the ANSYS software package. Based on the results of numerical research of the stressed and deformed state of the propeller blade, the first five natural vibration frequencies and the distribution of the local stress field were determined. The most stressed local zones on the blade surface were determined for each form of natural vibration. The propeller blade model was verified using an experimental study of the first five forms and frequencies of natural blade vibrations. The eigenfrequencies of the blade vibration were experimentally determined using the method of free (natural) vibrations. The resonance method was used to experimentally determine the resonant frequencies and vibration modes of the blade. The distribution of the blade deformation field was investigated using the strain gauge method. The highest error in the verification of numerical and experimental research is 4.11% for the fourth vibration frequency. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is that the effective elastic properties of the composite material for calculations should be determined using the procedure of numerical homogenisation of composite materials of different reinforcement structures by the properties of the matrix and fibers. The method does not require experimental determination of the effective elastic constants for the layers of blade components of different weave architecture patterns.