Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Apr 2021)
Meta-analysis of Using Handouts to Enhance Chemistry Student’s Learning Outcomes
This article was written to report the well-prepared steps and their results of how the above mentioned concept was released. The method used is a meta-analysis method by comparing several similar articles to know the scientific effect of using them. The data collection technique used non-test, by browsing articles with Researchgate, Science Direct and DOAJ. Based on the result of the analysis, it was found that handouts can improve student learning outcomes. Comparison of student learning outcomes was observed from the percentage before and after using the handouts. Data analyzed used statistical test type paired sample. Based on the results of the analysis test from six studies on handouts, it was found that a significant increase in learning outcomes was 37,50%. These results indicate that the use of handouts can be used to support chemistry learning.