AIMS Materials Science (Aug 2021)
Investigation of spider web oriented composite fabrics burst strength
Burst strength is a significant property that determines all other properties of structures to perform under induced internal pressure. In this study, the burst strength of a spider web-formed fabric structure is experimentally investigated. The spider web form orientation is prepared using Embroidery machine. A spider web develops a self-stressing nature, which offers its excellent inelasticity and provides a mechanism for competent and economical means to harmonize the local and global induced stresses in their structure. The obtained results are compared with published works on different effects of fiber architectures. The burst test result on spider web form indicated a spider web form's potential candidacy to utilize it as a future fiber orientation technique to form an enhanced composite reinforcement. However, fiber orientation influences the fiber-reinforced composite's mechanical properties. Fiber orientation via spider web form has not yet been used as a reinforcing engineering composite product. Hence, conducting rigors experimental work on spider web form reinforced composite structures can be taken as a significant step to fill the research gap.