Motricidad (Sep 2010)


  • P. Linares

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 0
pp. 187 – 207


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<br /><p align="center"><strong class="titulo1">RESUMEN</strong></p> <p align="justify">Aunque va increment&aacute;ndose la literatura sobre una materia tan incipiente como la &ldquo;Actividad Motriz Adaptada&rdquo;, a&uacute;n son escasos en nuestro pa&iacute;s los estudios que abordan cient&iacute;ficamente este tema. As&iacute; pues, en este art&iacute;culo se presenta un trabajo de investigaci&oacute;n basado en la actividad motriz, y que fue llevado a cabo con un alumnado que tiene necesidades educativas especiales.<br />Siendo el <em>prop&oacute;sito</em> del presente estudio, el valorar los niveles motor y cognitivo-motriz alcanzados por un grupo de alumnos/as con discapacidad psicof&iacute;sica, tras intervenir con un programa de actividad motriz adaptada. <br />La programaci&oacute;n estuvo enmarcada dentro de la reforma del Sistema educativo, y basada en las directrices que establece el MEC (1995) para el alumnado escolarizado en Centros de Educaci&oacute;n Especial.<br />El dise&ntilde;o experimental utilizado fue de tipo &ldquo;intrasujeto&rdquo; con medidas pretest y postest. Las variables dependientes estudiadas fueron la edad motriz y el nivel cognitivo-motor, y la independiente el propio Programa de Actividad Motriz Adaptada.<br />Los resultados obtenidos fueron significativos en favor de un incremento de los aspectos motores y cognitivomotrices de todos los sujetos. Lo que nos permite concluir la importancia que tiene la Motricidad para este alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales permanentes. <br />PALABRAS CLAVE: Necesidades educativas especiales, ni&ntilde;os/as, aspectos cognitivo-motrices, adaptaci&oacute;n curricular significativa, actividad motriz adaptada</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p align="justify">Although literature about an incipient subject like &ldquo;Adapted Motor Activity&rdquo; increases day by day, the studies which approach in a scientific way this subject are not many in our country. So, in this article a research based on motor activity is presented, and that it was carried out with several students with special educational needs. The aim of this study was to evaluate motor and cognitive-motor levels achieved by a group of students with psychophysical disability, after intervention with an adapted motor activity program. Programming was framed into educative system reforme, and it was based on guidelines than Education and Science Ministery (1995) establishes for students who are at Special Educational Centers. <br />The used experimental design was &ldquo;intrasubject&rdquo; with pretest and postest measures. The studied dependent variables were motor age and the cognitive-motor level, and the independent variable was the same Adapted Motor Activity Program itself. <br />The emerged results were significant in order to increase motor and cognitive-motor aspects from all subjects. For that reason, we can conclude the importance that Motor Activity has for these students with permanent special educational needs. <br />KEY WORDS: Reflection Levels, Physical Education In-service Teachers Training, Sports Trainers Traininig.</p>