Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Dec 2008)
Application cognitive of gymnastics for patients after the ischemic stroke at the sanatorium stage of rehabilitation
The purpose of work was improvement cognitive functions at patients after an ischemic insult in the early regenerative period by inclusion in a complex of rehabilitation cognitive gymnastics.123 patients in the age of from 45 till 60 years after an insult are surveyed. Sick by a method of casual selection are divided on two groups, at 61 the complex of physical rehabilitation joined regular employment cognitive gymnastics, the others 62 patients received a standard complex of rehabilitation actions. An estimation cognitive functions it was carried out with use of following techniques: the reduced multifactorial questionnaire for research of the person, «Memory for the images», «Memory on numbers», «Tables Shultie», a brief scale of an estimation of the mental status (MMSE), a questionnaire «Quality of a life» SF-36.After a rate of employment cognitive gymnastics have improved cognitive functions: frustration of short-term memory and any attention have considerably decreased, the degree of quality of a life has raised, the mood has improved, the level of asteno-neurotic reactions and leaving in illness has decreased, the self-estimation has raised. The undesirable phenomena at one of patients during the lead treatment it has not been revealed.Employment cognitive gymnastics are effective at patients after an insult in complex sanatorium rehabilitation owing to positive action on cognitive functions, to increase of a degree of quality of a life.