RiCognizioni (Jun 2014)

Dar clase en el aula. Insidie e risorse nell’insegnamento di lingue affini

  • Maria Isabella Mininni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1


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Dar clase en el aula. Risks and opportunities in the teaching of related languages. Spanish, being near to Italian, is often seen as a language easy to learn for Italian native speakers. This kind of prejudice perpetuated by wrong and trivial evaluations is probably the first obstacle that a teacher must overcome in her work; on the other hand, media, especially music and cinema, have made Spanish a so widespread and known language, that the interest of young generations in it has grown rapidly, while only a few years ago it was even excluded, in Italy, from public education. This work proposes some reflections on the methodological frameworks used at present in the teaching of Spanish Language in Italian Secondary School, through a reasoned research conducted with the trainees of the T.F.A., working on recent publications (methods, courses, manuals) and on original documents that a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language has at her disposition, with a special attention for the discussion of students’ elaborations of single didactical unities.
