The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Dec 2017)
MR imaging evaluation of obstructing vaginal malformations with hematocolpos or hematometra in adolescent girls: A cross sectional study
Objective: Vaginal or uterine outlet obstruction leads to hematocolpos or hematometra. Detection of the etiology of this entity is important to guide adequate surgical management and thereby avoid complications and to preserve fertility. The aim of this study was to evaluate obstructing vaginal malformations in adolescent girls presenting with hematocolpos or hematometra with MR imaging. Materials and methods: A hospital based prospective study was conducted in a tertiary care centre from September 2015 to October 2016. The study included 17 adolescent females who were evaluated with MRI. Result: Of 17 adolescent female with vaginal or uterine outflow obstructive anomalies with hematocolpos or hematometra, where 6 patients (35.3%) had HWWS, 6 patients (35.3%) had imperforate hymen, 2 patients (11.8%) had transverse vaginal septum, 1 patient each (5.9%) had cervico-vaginal atresia, unicornuate uterus and communicating rudimentary Uterine horn. MRI revealed hematocolpos in 15 patients (88.2%), hematometra in 13 patients (76.5%), endometriotic ovarian cysts in 6 patients (35.3%) and hematosalpnix in 3 patients (17.6%). Conclusion: Early radiological diagnosis of the cause of vaginal or uterine outflow obstruction is important to guide adequate surgical management which if undertaken promptly helps to avoid complications due to reflux from vaginal or uterine outflow obstruction.