NURE Investigación (May 2013)

Multicenter study in monitoring central venous catheters complications in hematologic patiennts

  • Carmen García Gabás,
  • Begoña Hinojo Marín,
  • Ana Castillo Ayala,
  • Mª Ángeles Muriel Abajo,
  • Ana Mª de Mena Arenas,
  • Carmen García Menéndez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 64


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Most hematological patients suffer a significant venous damage related to different administrated intravenous therapy, being necessary to place central venous catheters (CVC). CVC is associated with various complications. The most common catheter-related complications are occlusion and infection. To avoid such of them, the development of protocols for insertion and care are needed, as well as recording and following up complications. To this end, we propose a cross-sectional carried out during 13 months whose main goal is to know the incidence of CVC- related complications (mainly occlusion and infection) in hematological patients.Population included all the =14 ages patients admitted to different hematological units at Ramon y Cajal and Gregorio Marañón hospitals in Madrid and who signed informed consent. Socio-demographic, clinical characteristics and complications were entered into a log which included a pursuit of care protocol.
