Chemical Engineering Transactions (May 2018)
Use of Ozone Gas as a Green Control Alternative to Beetles Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) Infestation in Aviary Bed Utilized in the Poultry Industry
The control of poultry farming beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer – Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) infestation around the world is based exclusively on Pyrethroid Group (cypermethrin) insecticide application (during the 45 days of poultry breeding). Some studies report beetles population’s resistance, reinforcing the need of alternative methods for beetles control. Ozone (O3) gas is considered a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) gas. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of O3 gas treatment to eliminate beetles A. diaperinus development both, at adult and larvae stages. The insects were treated with three O3 concentrations (30/40/60ppm) and exposure times (48, 36 and 24 h). All treatments were effective against its larvae stage. However, the most efficient (100%) treatment for adult beetles elimination was at 40 ppm, during 36 h of exposure.There is a need for future research on O3 application in order to reduce the pesticides application/exposure, especially from the Pyrethroid Group, wildly spread for pest control in the poultry environments (roofs, floor, screens and/or curtains.