Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (Jul 2018)
Radarsat-1 image processing for regional-scale geological mapping with mining vocation under dense vegetation and equatorial climate environment, Southwestern Cameroon
The potential of Radarsat-1 beam mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data processing for geological investigation in an equatorial environment has been evaluated. This approach used textural analysis based on Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) on our image, followed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed on eight normalized co-occurrence indices created (mean, variance, homogeneity, contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, second moment and correlation) and directional filters for lithological discriminations and lineament investigations. Red-Green-Blue (RGB) color-composite was applied to three of the indices, the mean, variance and homogeneity, highlighting the morphostructure of the study area and facilitate lithology discrimination. The PC1 band was multiplied by itself (as PC1 × PC1 image) to enhance the information contained in this neo-canal and to reduce noise during filtering. Directional filters were then applied to the PC1 × PC1 image at 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° directions and the structure lines were extracted manually in a GIS software. From the results obtained, color-composite produced image map containing lithological units easily identified formations such as continental and coastal deposits, sedimentary stack, micaschists, garnet micaschists, micaceous quartzites, charnockitic orthogneisses, and coincided with those already existing on published geological map from Maurizot et al. (1986) and non-published geological map after IRGM geological field campaign. A total of 572 lineaments features (fractures and major faults) were identified on the filtered images and mapped. Major structures (faults) were considered as those clearly identified in the four directions while minor structures (fractures) were those observed in at least two directions. They are oriented in one of the two main directions: NE-SW (N040–N060) and NNW-SSE (N345–N360). The lineament result showed those that already existed on the reference maps and the newly updated lineaments. Spatial relationships between mapped lineaments and areas of current and historical mining exploration were examined by overall lineament density. GPS points of gold indices existing in the area correlate with areas of high lineament density particularly around the Ngovayang massif within the Paleoproterozoic Nyong unit. This study stresses the usefulness of remote sensing data and methods in field campaign, improvement of published geological maps and mining prospecting in areas with an equatorial climate. Keywords: RADARSAT1, GLCM, PCA, Directional filters, Geological investigation, Equatorial environment