Fisioterapia em Movimento (May 2019)

Frontal-Mental Line Inclination Test for assessment of cervical curvature: validation and applicability

  • Luiza Rampi Pivotto,
  • Emanuelle Francine Detogni Schmit,
  • Eduardo Gonçalves Raupp,
  • Angela Santos,
  • Adriane Vieira,
  • Cláudia Tarragô Candotti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32, no. 0


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Abstract Introduction: Alternative testing for X-rays in the assessment of the spine have the advantage of not causing radiation problems, but need to be validated. Objective: To propose a clinical test for assessment of the cervical spine based on the frontal-mental line inclination, identifying its concurrent validity in relation to the gold standard and determining its clinical applicability. Method: The present study was separated into two phases: (1) Test of Frontal-mental Line Inclination’s (TFMLI) validation protocol (evaluation of head position using X-ray analysis and computerized photogrammetry and assessment of cervical curvature using X-ray analysis and the TFMLI) (n = 35); (2) testing the possibility of performing the TFMLI with a universal goniometer (n = 23). Results: In phase 1, for the evaluation of head position, the gold standard and photogrammetry showed high and significant correlation (r = 0.602; p < 0.001). When evaluating cervical curvature, the gold standard and the TFMLI showed high and significant correlation (r = 0.597; p = 0.019). In phase 2, for the evaluation of head position, photogrammetry and goniometry showed high and significant correlation (rs = 0.662; p < 0.001). For the evaluation of cervical curvature, the TFMLI performed with photographs and with goniometry showed almost perfect and significant correlation (r = 0.969; p < 0.001). Conclusion: The TFMLI is suitable for an initial evaluation of the cervical spine posture of individuals with anterior head position and can be applied in clinical practice with the use of a universal goniometer.
