Strides in Development of Medical Education (Aug 2015)
Survey on Correct Response Position in Multiple Choice Tests: A Descriptive Study
Background & Objective: One of the issues of multiple choice tests is preparation of effective distracter options and position of the correct answer among the distractor options The aim of this study was to determine the position of the correct option in multiple choice tests in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences Iran in 2013 Methods: In this descriptive study 214 exams which were entered into the automated service center of the university were studied in respect to the position of the correct answer Data were analyzed using SPSS software and frequency percentage and chisquare test Results: In general 14359 multiple choice questions were investigated The position of the correct answer was the A option in 2260 questions (157%) the B option in 3893 question (271%) the C option in 4683 question (326%) and the D option in 3523 questions (246%) Chisquare test showed statistically significant difference between of the correct answer in options of A B C and D (P = 0001) The highest percentage of correct answers was in option C and the lowest percentage of correct answer was in option A The findings of the study also revealed that the percentage of the correct answer in the middle options (B and C) was significantly higher than other options (A and D) (597% V 403% P = 0001) Conclusion: The results showed that the distribution of correct choices between options of multiple choice tests performed in the university is not suitable Random selection of the correct options is recommended as a suitable approach to avoiding this problem