Plural: History, Culture, Society (Dec 2018)

Frontiera Imperiului Roman din Dacia în drum spre Lista patrimoniului mondial. Pro bleme și responsabilităţi pentru cercetarea arheologică, protecția patri moniu lui și turism

  • Popa, Alexandru

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 2
pp. 170 – 184


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Today, limes is an en vogue term in Romania. Scientific research, heritage protection and, more recently, politic discourse – they all deal, directly or indirectly, with issues regarding the Frontiers of the Roman Empire in today’s Romania. In the context of nominating the Frontiers of the Roman Empire as a serial site of UNESCO World Heritage, each of the previously mentioned domains has its responsibilities towards the monument itself. In this study I focus on explaining the different understandings of the term limes. Next, I found it rather important and well-timed to discuss the main tasks and obligations of archaeological research, of the industry of tourism and of archaeological heritage protection in Romania throughout the entire process of nominating and inscribing the Limes on the UNESCO List, as well as after this process is long over.
