Talia dixit (Oct 2018)
REVIEW to: Carmen Sánchez Mañas, Los oráculos en Heródoto: Tipología, estructura y función narrativa, Monografías de Filología Griega 28, Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad, 2017. (ISBN 9788416935086)
The Presses of University of Zaragoza, in his collection "Monografías de Filología Griega", No. 28, has published a new study on the presence of prophecy and oracular compositions in the work of Herodotus. Although there are already several studies on the oracles in this author, however the originality of the work lies in its particular distribution and classification of the oracular texts, contained in the Herodotus History, and its detailed analysis taking into account the Greek prophetic tradition.