CINEJ Cinema Journal (Oct 2014)
Recurrence: A Filmosophic Re-thinking of A Long Story/ Uzun Hikaye
This study will re-think A Long Story under the guidance of Daniel Frampton’s perspective of “filmosophy” which theorises film as a ‘being’ independent from any external effect, and acknowledges that film has a ‘mind’ and is ‘able to think’ in its own way. To be clear on re-thinking how A Long Story ‘thinks’ of the concept of ‘recurrence’ in its dramatic structure, this study first will give a detailed explanation of “filmosophy”. Then, it will elaborate the particular ‘intentions’ and ‘choices’ that the film is responsible of whilst constructing itself upon the idea of ‘recurrence’. Finally, this study will focus on a particular scene and explain its significance on locating ‘recurrence’ as the ‘whole knowledge’ the film keeps in mind.