Language Value (Jan 2019)
Whole issue
Table of Contents From the editors Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido Mari Carmen Campoy Cubillo Articles Building bridges between different levels of education: Methodological proposals for CLIL at university. Jesús Ángel González Javier Barbero (In)compatibility of CLIL and ESP courses at university. Joseba M. González Ardeo A holistic experience in the integrated learning of specialized English and content in engineering degrees. Irina Argüelles Álvarez Teacher Targets: A model for CLIL and ELF teacher education in polytechnic settings. Carmen Sancho Guinda CLIL in Pharmacy: A case of collaboration between content and language lecturers. Monika Woźniak ‘Does everybody understand?’ Teacher questions across disciplines in English-mediated university lectures: An exploratory study. Emma Dafouz Milne Davinia Sánchez García Book and Multimedia Reviews Christa van der Walt. Multilingual Higher Education. Beyond English Medium Orientations. Ana Bocanegra-Valle Immaculada Fortanet-Gómez. CLIL in Higher Education. Towards a Multilingual Language Policy. Simone Smala Managing the translation workflow with a Computer Assisted Translation Tool: SDL Trados 2011. Laura Ramírez Polo