Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Туризм (Dec 2018)
Resource Potential and Organization Specifics of Children's Tourism in Ukraine
The article is devoted to the definition of the organizational principles and development features of children's tourism in our state. An analysis of the current position of the children's tourism market in Ukraine shows that in the process of its organization there are certain problems: limited range of tourism products; insufficient infrastructure development; inaccessibility of children's tours for a large part of population; impossibility of tourism subjects to provide safety of the rest; low qualifications of specialists working with children. The huge opportunities of children's tourism are determined by the fact that it organically combines various types of leisure activities with various forms of educational activity, solves the problem of children employment, supports and develops originality, creativity of an individual, makes conditions for the formation of adequate ideas about the surrounding world, provides mastering the basics of project activity. Summer tourism centers are the most common type of children's tourism in Ukraine. Also, international children's tourism is developing rapidly. Tourism operators can offer a lot of interesting things for children: various educational excursions, musical or theatrical events, animation programs, folk crafts circles, foreign languages courses, active leisure sports.