Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Dec 2021)
Aspecte de drept comparat privind metodele speciale de supraveghere sau cercetare utilizate în lupta împotriva criminalităţii informatice în legislaţia din Romania şi Republica Moldova // Aspects of Comparative Law Regarding the Special Methods of Surveillance or Research Used in the Fight Against Computer Crime in the Legislation of Romania and the Republic of Moldova
In recent years, also favored by the pandemic situation, it has been observed that while the digital world brings enormous benefits, it also creates great vulnerabilities. Incidents in the virtual space are growing at an alarming level and could disrupt the provision of essential services, through threats with different origins, aimed at both individuals and legal entities. The Internet, as the main tool of cybercrime, has an infinite number of uses, which inevitably leads to the diversification of the manifestations of the phenomenon. Maintaining security in the IT environment has become a priority for the security of all states, which according to international conventions and treaties can be achieved by knowing, preventing and countering attacks and threats, as well as by reducing the vulnerabilities of cyber infrastructures in order to effectively manage all risks. addressing their security, preventing and combating cybercrime and last but not least cyber defense. The contribution in committing the criminal acts to the computer means, motivated the regulation of special evidentiary procedures, adapted to the world in which we live, whose use facilitates the process of prosecuting the persons who commit crimes.