Geologia USP. Série Científica (Mar 2014)
Groundwater geochemistry of a municipal landfill in Araras, SP
A contaminated area associated with a residential unlined landfill, located in Araras, was investigated. The aim of this work was to develop a hydrogeological and geochemical conceptual model in order to identify the redox zones related to the landfill and to explain the main processes resulting from the impact of leachates on the local groundwaters and soil. The work consisted of a surface geological mapping, geophysical survey with electric tomography, logging of subsoil boreholes, an installation of monitoring wells and soil, gas, leachate and groundwater samples analyses. The results show that the Araras landfill is in the methanogenic phase and promotes alterations in local groundwater quality. The main parameters of environmental interest identified in the leachate were total dissolved solids, biochemical oxygen demand, ammonium, methane, Na, Cl, Fe, Mn, Ba, B, Co and Cd. According to criteria specifically developed for this landfill, the following redox zones were identified in the groundwater: (i) aerobic, located upgradient from the landfill; (ii) methanogenic, downgradient from the landfill; (iii) iron and/or manganese reduction, located between the methanogenic zone and the Araras river. Bypassing the iron and/or manganese redox zone, the existence of a denitrification zone was inferred. Besides the redox reactions in these zones, other processes that mitigate the impact of leachate into groundwater were also discovered: dilution, degradation by the action of surface microorganisms, dispersion, ionic exchange, formation of organic and inorganic complexes, dissolution and precipitation.