Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (Sep 2019)
Analisis Niat Pembelian Ulang E-Commerce Mobile Dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
This research aims to test several antecedents as trust, risk, credibility, internet use, and those impact on intention for online transactions via e-commerce mobile platform and Technology Acceptance Model. The research integrated the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with four main constructs, namely internet use, trust, credibility, and risk, which is very important to predict individual acceptance of online transactions. Research methods were using structural equation model analysis (SEM), path analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of AMOS 24.0 to examine all the hypotheses, reliability, and validity for each indicator or measuring instrument. The research findings show that credibility and trust played an important role in online transaction acceptance in the e-commerce industry. Furthermore, the findings consistently supported previous studies of TAM where perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness played a role in both directly and indirectly on repurchase intention of mobile e-commerce platform. This study implied that e-commerce players must pay attention to simplifying the customer journey. Another implication was to communicate the credibility and trust aspects to the consumers. Thus the customers could understand and could be convinced that mobile e-commerce platforms are credible shopping market. Keywords: technology acceptance model, electronic transaction, intention, credibility, trust Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji beberapa anteseden seperti kepercayaan, resiko, kredibilitas, internet use, dan pengaruhnya terhadap niat bertransaksi ulang secara online dalam e-commerce mobile platform dengan pengujian melalui model penerimaan teknologi. Penelitian ini mencoba mengintegrasikan model penerimaan teknologi (Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dengan empat konstruk, yaitu internet use, kepercayaan, kredibilitas, dan risiko yang diduga sangat penting dalam memprediksi penerimaan individu atas transaksi online. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis structural equation model (SEM) dan analisa jalur serta confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) melalui AMOS 24.0 untuk menguji hipotesis, reliabilitas, dan validitas masing-masing indikator atau alat ukur yang digunakan. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan dan kredibilitas memainkan peran penting dalam penerimaan transaksi online pada industri e-commerce. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini konsisten mendukung beberapa penelitian terdahulu terkait dengan TAM di mana kemudahan penggunaan (perceived ease of use) dan kegunaan (perceived usefulness) berperan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap niat pembelian ulang pada e-commerce mobile platform. Penelitian ini pun tentunya memiliki sejumlah implikasi manajerial di mana para praktisi e-commerce harus memberikan perhatian lebih pada penyederhanaan customer journey dan mampu mengkomunikasikan aspek kredibilitas dan kepercayaan dengan baik ke consumer market agar mampu dipahami dan dapat meyakinkan konsumen atau pelanggan bahwa e-commerce mobile platform merupakan tempat berbelanja yang kredibel (dapat dipercaya). Kata kunci: model penerimaan teknologi, transaksi elektronik, niat beli, kredibilitas, kepercayaan