Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jul 2002)

Tehnička služba Vojske Jugoslavije i pravci njenog razvoja / Technical Service of the Army of Yugoslavia and the directions of its development

  • Milun Kokanović

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 50, no. 4-5
pp. 397 – 411


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Tehničko-tehnološki razvoj u naučno i ekonomski moćnim zemljama sveta poslednjih decenija najvećim delom je potenciran i iskorišćen za proizvodnju oružja i sredstava naoružanja i vojne opreme. Time je radikalno izmenjena osnova rata, tako da se sa nuklearne, strategijske koncepcije prelazi na informatičku koncepciju rata. Tehnička služba Vojske Jugoslavije (Tehnička služba KoV, Vazduhoplovno-tehnička služba i Mornaričko-tehnička služba) shodno izmenjenim uslovima, pratila je i izučavala razvoj tehničko-tehnološkog faktora u svetu i njegov uticaj na oružanu borbu. Kadrovskim osposobljavanjem, racionalnom organizacijom sistema tehničkog obezbeđenja i materijalnom podrškom, uspešno je podržavala potrebe Vojske Jugoslavije u razvoju tehničkih sredstava naoružanja i vojne opreme njihovom snabdevanju i održavanju u čitavom životnom veku. / Technological and technological development in the scientifically and economically powerful countries of the world in the last decades has been mostly emphasized and used for the production of weapons and weapons and military equipment. This radically changed the basis of the war, so that from the nuclear, strategic conception it switched to the informational conception of war. The Technical Service of the Army of Yugoslavia (Technical Service of Land Army, Aircraft and Technical Service and Naval-Technical Service), in accordance with the changed conditions, monitored and developed the technical and technological factors in the world and its impact on the armed struggle. Through staff training, rational organization of the system of technical security and material support, it successfully supported the needs of the Army of Yugoslavia in the development of technical means of arms and military equipment to their supply and maintenance throughout the life-span.
