iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry (May 2008)
An approach to estimate carbon stocks change in forest carbon pools under the UNFCCC: the Italian case
Under the UNFCCC, Annex I Parties must report annually a National GHG Inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks. LULUCF is one of the six sectors of the inventory: in this sector any emissions and removals of GHGs by land management should be reported, included the large GHGs fluxes generated by forest management and land-use changes into and from forest. In this context every Party has to produce a proper model in order to be able to fulfil GHGs Inventory request for forest sector. Taking Italy as a study case, the paper aims at presenting a new methodology for updating stock changes for years between national forest inventories, in order to reproduce annual stock changes in the five UNFCCC forest carbon pools, following the UNFCCC requirements in the context of carbon reporting.