Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jun 2016)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas soal Ujian Sekolah Matematika program IPA dan kontribusi skor Ujian Sekolah terhadap nilai Ujian Nasional. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif eksploratif dengan pendekatan survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah enam SMA Swasta Yayasan Katolik di Kota Yogyakarta. Sampel adalah lima SMA yang representatif dalam menggambarkan ciri populasi. Naskah soal ditelaah tiga orang ahli untuk analisis kualitas soal secara kualitatif. Jawaban siswa dianalisis secara Teori Tes Klasik dan Teori Respons Butir untuk mengetahui kualitas soal secara kuantitatif. Skor Ujian Sekolah dikorelasikan terhadap nilai Ujian Nasional untuk mengukur kontribusinya. Hasil penelitian: (1) kualitas soal secara kualitatif adalah sangat baik (satu SMA), baik (dua SMA), cukup baik (satu SMA), dan kurang baik (satu SMA); (2) secara kuantitatif menurut Teori Tes Klasik adalah cukup baik (satu SMA), kurang baik (tiga SMA), dan tidak baik (satu SMA), dengan reliabilitas Alpha termasuk reliabel; (3) secara kuantitatif menurut Teori Respons Butir adalah baik (tiga SMA), cukup baik (satu SMA), dan kurang baik (satu SMA); (4) Indeks konsistensi analisis butir soal termasuk cukup konsisten; (5) korelasi skor Ujian Sekolah terhadap nilai Ujian Nasional termasuk kategori besar; (6) berdasarkan telaah validitas isi perangkat, lebih dari 90% soal valid dan skor Ujian Sekolah valid/akurat dalam memprediksi hasil Ujian Nasional. Kata kunci: kualitas soal, ujian sekolah, matematika, ujian nasional THE QUALITY OF MATHEMATICS SCHOOL EXAMINATION OF SCIENCE MAJOR AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO THE RESULT OF NATIONAL EXAMINATION Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe the quality of Mathematics School Examination of Science Major and the contribution of School Examination scores to the result of National Examination. This research is a descriptive explorative research with survey approach. The population in this research are six Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta. The samples are five representative senior high schools to describe the characteristics of the population. The test was analyzed by three experts to find out the test quality qualitatively. The students’ answer was analyzed with Classic Test Theory and Item Response Theory to find out the test quality quantitatively. The School Examination score was correlated with the National Examination score to measure their contribution. The research result: (1) the school exam quality is very good (one school), good (two schools), quite good (one school), and not so good (one school); (2) Quantitatively based on Classic Test Theory are quite good (one school), not so good (three schools), dan poor (one school), by Alpha reliability is reliable; (3) Quantitatively based on Item Response Theory are good (three schools), quite good (one school), and not so good (one school); (4) The test item index consistency are quite consistent; (5) The correlation of the School Examination scores with the result of National Examination is in large categories; (6) Based on content validity study, more than 90% items are valid and scores of School Examination is valid/accurate in predicting the result of the National Examination. Keywords: the test quality, school examination, mathematics, national examination