Гинекология (Dec 2020)
The scattered puzzle effect: implantation disorders in chronic endometritis
Chronic endometritis (CE) is defined as a state of inflammation localized in the endometrium, accompanied by edema, dissociated maturation of epithelial cells and fibroblasts, increased stromal density and the presence of plasma cell infiltrate in it. The connection between chronic inflammation in the endometrium and infertility deserves special attention. Inadequate response of immunocompetent endometrial cells, including impaired synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines, dysreceptiveness, disorders of proliferation and differentiation processes are the main links in the formation of infertility in patients with CE. Despite the fact that the presence of a normocenosis of the uterine cavity today is not in doubt this is a physiological norm, persistent bacterial infection of the endometrium is still called the main etiopathogenetic factor of CE and, therefore, the main point of application of therapeutic agents. Nevertheless, a number of works have emphasized the special role of not bacterial, but viral etiology of endometritis, especially in the context of infertility developing against this background. It seems that the role of viral endometrial infection in adverse pregnancy outcomes and in vitro fertilization programs is underestimated. Further research is needed to clarify the relationship of viral infection as a trigger of implantation failure in infertile women with CE.