Turkish Archives of Otorhinolaryngology (Dec 2007)
Comparison of noise levels in six hospitals in Istanbul
Objectives: To determine the noise levels in six hospitals in Istanbul and to emphasize the negative effects of noise in hospital environment.Methods: In this study sound levels were measured at two university hospitals and four training and education hospitals in Istanbul. Measurements were performed between 08.15- 16.00 am. during the outpatient settings with one hours period. Noise levels were measured as sound pressure level dB (SPL dB) with sound level meter by using A weighted setting within the frequency band of middle and high that human ear is most sensitive.Results: All of the hospitals were found to have average noise levels higher than 40 dB (the upper limit of Noise Control Regulations). (p<0.01) When the hospitals were contrasted among themselves, two university hospitals were found to have significant lower noise levels then the other four hospitals (p<0.01).Conclusion: It seems to be mandatory for hospitals to schedule the preventive precautions in construction plans, to constitute the noise maps of hospitals and to educate the employees and patients via forming working groups.