Case Reports in Ophthalmology (Apr 2022)
The Use of Fixation Suture to Treat Inferonasal Hypertrophic Bleb after Xen Gel Stent Implant: A Case Report
We report a case of an inferonasal hypertrophic bleb complication which formed 5 months after Xen Gel Stent implantation for intraocular pressure (IOP) control in a primary open-angle glaucoma patient and its management using a fixation suture. The patient underwent an uneventful right-eye phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation combined with Xen Gel Stent ab interno implantation surgery. A month after the surgery, a second needling was performed due to a flat bleb and increased IOP. Post-needling slit-lamp examination showed a well-formed diffuse bleb in the superonasal quadrant. Two months after the needling, the patient presented with redness and irritation medially. Upon examination, a large inferonasal bleb was observed together with scarring of a previously formed superior bleb above the Xen Gel Stent implant. Fornix-based conjunctival incision technique was used to release the conjunctival scarring, and a fixation suture was used for the Xen implant in order to change the filtration direction. A Palmberg compression mattress suture was used to stop the inferior filtration. Despite an open conjunctiva surgical revision in the superior quadrant, no additional scaring was formed in the follow-up period of 20 months. There was good post-operative IOP control and formation of superiorly positioned bleb. To our knowledge, this is the first report to describe the use of a fixation suture for treating inferonasal hypertrophic bleb as a late complication of Xen Gel Stent implantation surgery.