Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Apr 2006)
Dental Anomalies and Occlusal Abnormalities in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate
The aims of this study were three-fold: (1) to detect the location of cleft, (2) to determine the distribution of clefts according to sex, and (3) to examine bilateral and unilateral clefts comparatively by assessing dental anomalies and occlusal abnormalities in sagittal and transversal plane in patients with cleft lip and palate. The sample consisted of 141 patients (95 boys and 46 girls) with UCLP and BCLP with varying ages between 13 and 16 years. Models, orthopantomographs, and periapical films were used in the evaluation of the type of cleft, dental anomalies, cross bites, occlusion, overbite, and overjet. Whereas BCLP was found in 46.1% of the study group, UCLP was found in 53.9% mostly on the left side. The difference between sexes was not statistically significant. However, the differences between crossbite and Angle classification as well as overjet and overbite were statistically significant (p<0.001) in BCLP and UCLP. BCLP patients presented Angle Class II occlusion with bilateral crossbite with increased overbite and overjet while UCLP patients presented Angle Class III occlusions with posterior crossbite on one side with negative overjet. The recognition of dental and occlusal anomalies is quite important to the determination of the treatment plan.