Aksioma: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika (Jun 2022)


  • Hanifahtu Solichah,
  • Jailani Jailani,
  • Monica Tyas Handayani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2
pp. 1381 – 1390


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Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan pembelajaran model kooperatif tipe NHT untuk meningkatkan kemampuan awal siswa sebelum dan setelah pemberian treatment, (2) mendeskripsikan pembelajaran model kooperatif learning tipe NHT untuk mendukung kemampuan ketrampilan abad 21. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu menggunakan instrumen analisis statistik yang sesuai agar hasil penelitian yang diperoleh tidak menyimpang dari keadaan yang sesungguhnya. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen lembar observasi pelaksanaan kegiatan untuk mengetahui jalannya proses pembelajaran, tes pencapaian indikator kompetensi dasar untuk mengukur kemampuan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran, dan angket untuk mengukur kemampuan ketrampilan abad 21 diantaranya communication, critical thinking, collaboration, dan problem solving. Pengujian hipotesis penelitian menggunakan uji paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian praktik inovasi dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan model NHT untuk mendukung ketrampilan communication, critical thinking, collaboration, dan problem solving siswa kelas VIII di SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Gantiwarno, yaitu: 1) Pembelajaran materi koordinat kartesius dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan NHT dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa kelas VIII di SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Gantiwarno dengan prosentase ketercapaian KD sebesar 84,6% dan rata-rata nilai sikap sebesar 3,46 dengan predikat B yaitu Baik, 2) Pembelajaran materi koordinat kartesius dengan pendekatan saintifik dengan model NHT mampu mendukung kemampuan communication dan sangat mendukung kemampuan collaboration, critical thinking dan problem solving siswa. Kata kunci: Collaboration; Communication; Critical Thinking; NHT; Problem Solving Abstrak Bahasa Inggris The aims of this study were to: (1) describe the NHT type of cooperative learning model to improve students' initial abilities before and after treatment, (2) describe the NHT type of cooperative learning model to support 21st century skills. The approach of this research is a quantitative approach. , namely using appropriate statistical analysis instruments so that the research results obtained do not deviate from the actual situation. The instruments in this study were the observation sheet for the implementation of activities to determine the course of the learning process, the achievement test for basic competency indicators to measure knowledge skills before and after learning, and a questionnaire to measure 21st century skills including communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving. Testing the research hypothesis using the paired sample t-test. The results showed that research on innovation practice with a scientific approach used the NHT model to support communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving skills for class VIII students at the Muhammadiyah Junior High School of Changewarno Special Program, namely: 1) Learning Cartesian coordinate material with a scientific approach using NHT can improve the competence of class VIII students at the Muhammadiyah Junior High School of the Changewarno Special Program with a KD achievement percentage of 84.6% and an average attitude score of 3.46 with a B predicate which is Good, 2) Learning Cartesian coordinate material with a scientific approach with the NHT model is able to support communication skills and strongly supports students' collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving abilities. Keywords: Collaboration; Communication; Critical Thinking; NHT; Problem Solving
