Cultura Física y Deportes de Guantánamo (Jan 2016)

Methodological actions to improve self-esteem in the elder

  • Justino Martínez-Guerrero,
  • Lourdes Utria-Figueroa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 10
pp. 42 – 51


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Lately there has been an increase in the elder people´s population, hence the need to take care of their requests; it is for this reason that the professionals of the different sectors must try to decrease the causes of different diseases. In this article, a set of methodological actions is proposed to raise the self-esteem of older adults in the grandparents' asylums of the Tortuguilla community. This investigation emerged due to the need that the professors of Physical Culture who work at grandparents asylums have, to own a document that allows them to contribute to enhance the self-esteem of elders. It becomes an option for this population, because they get involved in activities that allow them to accomplish appraising activities without focusing on learning skills, rather focusing in an estate of physical and mental well-being. It was necessary the use of methods and means of scientific investigation for the development of the paper, as well as the experience of the tutor who, for over 15 years developed activities that helped achieve the proposed objective.
